Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.angluin |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.angluin with parameters of type Word | |
boolean |
Angluin.addCounterExample(Word example,
Word output)
void |
Angluin.addSingleSuffix(Word concat)
void |
Angluin.addSuffix(Word concat)
void |
Angluin.addWordToS(Word s)
Method parameters in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.angluin with type arguments of type Word | |
void |
Angluin.setDInit(Collection<Word> dInit)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.dhc |
Fields in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.dhc declared as Word | |
Word |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.dhc with parameters of type Word | |
boolean |
DHC.addCounterExample(Word example,
Word output)
Take an counterexample, determine what prefix makes the difference, add that splitter to the alphabet, and reset the hypothesis automaton |
void |
DHC.addSuffix(Word suffix)
Constructors in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.dhc with parameters of type Word | |
Query(Word query,
Symbol querysymbol)
Constructor parameters in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.dhc with type arguments of type Word | |
JobCollapseState(State parent,
State state,
Symbol transletter,
DecisionTree<Symbol,State> siblingDB,
Set<Word> newsplitters,
int eqlevel,
Set<Symbol> jokers,
Oracle oracle,
StopSignal stop)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.dhcmodular |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.dhcmodular that return Word | |
Word |
QueryCreatorAccessConcat.createQuery(State state,
Symbol transition)
Word |
QueryCreator.createQuery(State state,
Symbol transition)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.dhcmodular with parameters of type Word | |
boolean |
DHCModular.addCounterExample(Word example,
Word output)
Take an counterexample, determine what prefix makes the difference, add that splitter to the alphabet, and reset the hypothesis automaton |
void |
DHCModular.addSuffix(Word suffix)
Symbol |
OutputSymbolCreatorDFA.createOutputSymbol(Symbol transsym,
Word query,
Word response)
Symbol |
OutputSymbolCreatorComplex.createOutputSymbol(Symbol transsym,
Word query,
Word response)
Symbol |
OutputSymbolCreator.createOutputSymbol(Symbol transsym,
Word query,
Word response)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.packs |
Classes in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.packs that implement Word | |
class |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.packs with parameters of type Word | |
boolean |
ObservationPack.addCounterExample(Word example,
Word output)
void |
ObservationPack.addPrefix(Word w)
add a new prefix to the observations adding arbitrary words to the pack may break the algorithm: thus it will be checked that prefix of w is access sequence |
void |
ObservationPack.addSuffix(Word suffix)
void |
ObservationPack.addSuffixLocally(Word suffix,
Word as)
int |
CWord.compareTo(Word w)
boolean |
SelectiveExploration.explore(Word accessSequence,
Symbol transition)
tests if the word "accessSequence + transition" should be used as a prefix in the observations. |
boolean |
CWord.isPrefixOf(Word w)
Method parameters in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.packs with type arguments of type Word | |
void |
ObservationPack.setdInit(Collection<Word> dInit)
Constructors in de.ls5.jlearn.algorithms.packs with parameters of type Word | |
CWord(Word prefix,
Symbol a)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.batchoracles |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.batchoracles that return Word | |
Word |
AbstractBatchOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
SequentialBatchOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.batchoracles that return types with arguments of type Word | |
Map<Word,Word> |
MultithreadBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
MultithreadBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
LengthSortBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
LengthSortBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
PrefixFirstBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
PrefixFirstBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
SequentialBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
SequentialBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.batchoracles with parameters of type Word | |
Word |
AbstractBatchOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
SequentialBatchOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Method parameters in de.ls5.jlearn.batchoracles with type arguments of type Word | |
Map<Word,Word> |
MultithreadBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
LengthSortBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
PrefixFirstBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Map<Word,Word> |
SequentialBatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.equivalenceoracles |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.equivalenceoracles that return Word | |
Word |
Word |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.equivalenceoracles with parameters of type Word | |
void |
EquivalenceOracleOutputImpl.setCounterExample(Word ex)
void |
EquivalenceOracleOutputImpl.setOracleOutput(Word output)
Constructors in de.ls5.jlearn.equivalenceoracles with parameters of type Word | |
EquivalenceOracleOutputImpl(Word ce,
Word co)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.interfaces |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.interfaces that return Word | |
Word |
Retrieves the counterexample |
Word |
Retrieves the output for the encapsulated counterexample |
Word |
Automaton.getTraceOutput(Word trace)
Return a word of output symbols produced by the automaton as reaction to the supplied word of input symbols. |
Word |
Automaton.getTraceToState(State destination)
Returns an access-sequence to the given state. |
Word |
Oracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Process an incoming sequence (word) of input symbols and return a sequence (word) of output symbols produced as reacion to the input symbols. |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.interfaces that return types with arguments of type Word | |
List<Word> |
SplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle oracle,
Automaton hypothesis)
Determine splitters that reveal diverging behavior between the learner's hypothesis and the target system. |
List<Word> |
AsyncOracle.getQueries(int max)
Retrieve a list of queries currently buffered in this asynchronous oracle. |
Map<Word,Word> |
BatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Process an incoming collection of words of input symbols and return a map from queries to output words produced as reacion to the inputs |
Map<Word,Word> |
BatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Process an incoming collection of words of input symbols and return a map from queries to output words produced as reacion to the inputs |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.interfaces with parameters of type Word | |
boolean |
Learner.addCounterExample(Word example,
Word output)
Process a counterexample. |
void |
Cache.addEntry(Word query,
Word answer)
Adds a query/answer pair to the cache |
void |
Learner.addSuffix(Word suffix)
Add given Word to the internal set of suffixes of this
Learner . |
void |
AsyncOracle.answerQuery(Word query,
Word answer)
Provide an answer for a query previously retrieved from this asynchronous oracle. |
List<Word> |
SplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle oracle,
Automaton hypothesis)
Determine splitters that reveal diverging behavior between the learner's hypothesis and the target system. |
Word |
Automaton.getTraceOutput(Word trace)
Return a word of output symbols produced by the automaton as reaction to the supplied word of input symbols. |
State |
Automaton.getTraceState(Word trace,
int steps)
Return reached state after consuming the specified number of symbols of the input trace. |
boolean |
Cache.isCached(Word trace)
Checks if a given query is already included in the cache |
boolean |
Word.isPrefixOf(Word w)
Checks if this word is a prefix of the supplied word. |
Word |
Oracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Process an incoming sequence (word) of input symbols and return a sequence (word) of output symbols produced as reacion to the input symbols. |
void |
Annotated.setAccessSequence(State s,
Word w)
annotate state with specific access sequence |
void |
EquivalenceOracleOutput.setCounterExample(Word ex)
Method to set the counterexample |
void |
EquivalenceOracleOutput.setOracleOutput(Word output)
Method to set the output for the counterexample |
Method parameters in de.ls5.jlearn.interfaces with type arguments of type Word | |
Map<Word,Word> |
BatchOracle.processQueries(List<Word> queries)
Process an incoming collection of words of input symbols and return a map from queries to output words produced as reacion to the inputs |
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.logging |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.logging with parameters of type Word | |
void |
LearnLog.logCE(Word ce,
Word co,
Word hypOut,
String text,
LogLevel lvl)
void |
LoggingAppender.logCE(Word ce,
Word co,
Word hypOut,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
PrintStreamLoggingAppender.logCE(Word ce,
Word co,
Word hypOut,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
PPTLoggingAppender.logCE(Word ce,
Word co,
Word hypOut,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
HtmlLoggingAppender.logCE(Word ce,
Word co,
Word hypOut,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
LearnLog.logMQ(Word in,
Word out,
String text,
LogLevel lvl)
void |
LoggingAppender.logMQ(Word in,
Word out,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
PrintStreamLoggingAppender.logMQ(Word in,
Word o,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
PPTLoggingAppender.logMQ(Word in,
Word out,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
HtmlLoggingAppender.logMQ(Word in,
Word out,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
LearnLog.logMQ(Word prefix,
Word suffix,
Word out,
String text,
LogLevel lvl)
void |
LoggingAppender.logMQ(Word prefix,
Word suffix,
Word out,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
PrintStreamLoggingAppender.logMQ(Word prefix,
Word suffix,
Word o,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
PPTLoggingAppender.logMQ(Word prefix,
Word suffix,
Word out,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
void |
HtmlLoggingAppender.logMQ(Word prefix,
Word suffix,
Word out,
String text,
LogLevel lvl,
String cls)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.oracles |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.oracles that return Word | |
Word |
PrefixClosureFilter.addToFilter(Word trace,
Word result)
Adds the trace with the result to rejected prefixes if the trace contains a symbol that should be rejected. |
Word |
CacheOracle.getEntries(Word word)
Word |
Word |
PrefixClosureFilter.lookupWord(Word trace)
If there exists a prefix that already known and that ends up with some symbol in PrefixClosureFilter.rejectedSymbols an answer is constructed. |
Word |
CacheOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
SimulatorOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
FileCacheOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
SimulatorOracleDFA.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
PooledOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
PrefixClosureFilter.processQuery(Word trace)
Process an incoming sequence (word) of input symbols and return a sequence (word) of output symbols produced as reacion to the input symbols. |
Word |
AsyncOracleImpl.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
PrefixEnforcementFilter.processQuery(Word query)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.oracles that return types with arguments of type Word | |
List<Word> |
AsyncOracleImpl.getQueries(int maxNumberOfQueries)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.oracles with parameters of type Word | |
void |
CacheOracle.addEntry(Word word,
Word symbols)
Word |
PrefixClosureFilter.addToFilter(Word trace,
Word result)
Adds the trace with the result to rejected prefixes if the trace contains a symbol that should be rejected. |
void |
AsyncOracleImpl.answerQuery(Word query,
Word answer)
Word |
CacheOracle.getEntries(Word word)
boolean |
CacheOracle.isCached(Word trace)
Word |
PrefixClosureFilter.lookupWord(Word trace)
If there exists a prefix that already known and that ends up with some symbol in PrefixClosureFilter.rejectedSymbols an answer is constructed. |
Word |
CacheOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
SimulatorOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
FileCacheOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
SimulatorOracleDFA.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
PooledOracle.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
PrefixClosureFilter.processQuery(Word trace)
Process an incoming sequence (word) of input symbols and return a sequence (word) of output symbols produced as reacion to the input symbols. |
Word |
AsyncOracleImpl.processQuery(Word trace)
Word |
PrefixEnforcementFilter.processQuery(Word query)
void |
PrefixEnforcementFilter.setPrefix(Word prefix)
Constructors in de.ls5.jlearn.oracles with parameters of type Word | |
PrefixEnforcementFilter(Word prefix)
PrefixEnforcementFilter(Word prefix,
Oracle oracle)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.shared |
Classes in de.ls5.jlearn.shared that implement Word | |
class |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.shared that return Word | |
Word |
FiniteStateAcceptor.getTraceOutput(Word trace)
Word |
AutomatonImpl.getTraceOutput(Word trace)
Word |
AnnotatedAutomaton.getTraceToState(State destination)
Word |
AutomatonImpl.getTraceToState(State destination)
Word |
AnnotatedFSA.getTraceToState(State destination)
Word |
AutomatonImpl.getTraceToStateOptimized(StateImpl destination)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.shared with parameters of type Word | |
int |
WordImpl.compareTo(Word w)
Word |
FiniteStateAcceptor.getTraceOutput(Word trace)
Word |
AutomatonImpl.getTraceOutput(Word trace)
State |
AutomatonImpl.getTraceState(Word trace,
int steps)
boolean |
WordImpl.isPrefixOf(Word w)
void |
AnnotatedAutomaton.setAccessSequence(State s,
Word w)
void |
AnnotatedFSA.setAccessSequence(State s,
Word w)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.splittercreators |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.splittercreators that return Word | |
protected Word |
KearnsStyleDFASplitterCreator.getValidPrefix(Word ce,
Word co)
protected Word |
KearnsStyleDFASplitterCreator.getValidPrefix(Word ce,
Word co,
int lower,
int upper,
int[] flags)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.splittercreators that return types with arguments of type Word | |
List<Word> |
RivestAllSuffixesSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle oracle,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
SplitterCreatorAllSuffixes.createSplitters(Word example,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton a)
List<Word> |
HowarStyleSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
KearnsStyleSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
MalerStyleSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
KearnsStyleDFASplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
ShahbazStyleSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.splittercreators with parameters of type Word | |
List<Word> |
RivestAllSuffixesSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle oracle,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
SplitterCreatorAllSuffixes.createSplitters(Word example,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton a)
List<Word> |
HowarStyleSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
KearnsStyleSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
MalerStyleSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
KearnsStyleDFASplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
List<Word> |
ShahbazStyleSplitterCreator.createSplitters(Word counterexample,
Word output,
Oracle o,
Automaton hypothesis)
protected Word |
KearnsStyleDFASplitterCreator.getValidPrefix(Word ce,
Word co)
protected Word |
KearnsStyleDFASplitterCreator.getValidPrefix(Word ce,
Word co,
int lower,
int upper,
int[] flags)
Uses of Word in de.ls5.jlearn.util |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.util that return Word | |
static Word |
WordUtil.canonicalNext(Word w,
Alphabet sigma)
static Word |
WordUtil.clone(Word w)
static Word |
WordUtil.concat(Word w1,
Symbol s)
returns a copy of the original Word with one Symbol attached |
static Word |
WordUtil.concat(Word w1,
Symbol s1,
Symbol s2)
retuerns a copy of the original Word with two Symbols attached |
static Word |
WordUtil.concat(Word w1,
Word w2)
concatenates two words and returns a corresponding NEW word |
Word |
EquivalenceTest.findCounterExample(Automaton hyp)
static Word |
AutomatonUtil.findCounterexample(Automaton a1,
Automaton a2)
will minimize the automata first |
static Word |
AutomatonUtil.findCounterexample(Automaton a1,
Automaton a2,
boolean minimize)
Word |
EquivalenceTest.findCounterExampleWithoutChecks(Automaton hyp)
static Word |
AutomatonUtil.findDistinguishingSuffix(Automaton a,
State s1,
State s2)
Deprecated. |
static Word |
AutomatonUtil.findDistinguishingSuffix(Automaton m,
Word p1,
Word p2)
Deprecated. |
static Word |
WordUtil.flattenTrace(Word trace)
Fold "virtual" letters (splitters) back to the normal alphabet |
static Word |
AutomatonXMLUtil.fromXml(WordType w,
XmlSerializationHelper helper)
static Word |
WordUtil.prefix(Word w1,
int length)
static Word |
WordUtil.suffix(Word w1,
int length)
static Word |
AutomatonUtil.testEquivalenceLinear(Automaton m1,
Automaton m2)
static Word |
WordUtil.toWord(Symbol s)
cast symbol to word |
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.util that return types with arguments of type Word | |
static Set<Word> |
AutomatonUtil.getCharacterizingSet(Automaton a)
Methods in de.ls5.jlearn.util with parameters of type Word | |
static Word |
WordUtil.canonicalNext(Word w,
Alphabet sigma)
static Word |
WordUtil.clone(Word w)
static Word |
WordUtil.concat(Word w1,
Symbol s)
returns a copy of the original Word with one Symbol attached |
static Word |
WordUtil.concat(Word w1,
Symbol s1,
Symbol s2)
retuerns a copy of the original Word with two Symbols attached |
static Word |
WordUtil.concat(Word w1,
Word w2)
concatenates two words and returns a corresponding NEW word |
static Word |
AutomatonUtil.findDistinguishingSuffix(Automaton m,
Word p1,
Word p2)
Deprecated. |
static Word |
WordUtil.flattenTrace(Word trace)
Fold "virtual" letters (splitters) back to the normal alphabet |
static boolean |
WordUtil.isPrefixOf(Word w1,
Word w2)
Checks if the first given Word is a prefix of the second given Word |
static Symbol |
WordUtil.lastSymbol(Word w)
static Word |
WordUtil.prefix(Word w1,
int length)
static Word |
WordUtil.suffix(Word w1,
int length)
static WordType |
AutomatonXMLUtil.toXml(Word w,
ObjectFactory factory,
XmlSerializationHelper helper)
static Symbol |
WordUtil.turnWordIntoSymbol(Word w)
Turn word into a symbol, which has a list of the symbols of the input word as user object |