Package de.ls5.jlearn.interfaces

Interface Summary
Alphabet An alphabet is an ordered set of symbols.
Annotated Interface for automata that can be annotated with additional information
AsyncOracle An asynchronous oracle buffers queries, which can be retrieved and processed.
Automaton Basic interface for Automaton models.
BatchOracle This interface encapsulates access to the SUT (System Under Test).
Cache A cache records queries and corresponding answers.
EquivalenceOracle Interface for equivalence oracles
EquivalenceOracleOutput Result of findCounterExample method of EquivalenceOracle if a counterexample was found.
FilterStickyOutput Interface for filters which repeat certains symbols after their first encounter (thus the name "sticky symbol") within an output word.
Learner Interface for learning algorithms
ObservableDataStructure Deprecated.
Oracle This interface encapsulates access to the SUT (System Under Test).
SplitterCreator Encapsulates a strategy to handle counterexamples, e.g., to determine a suffix which identifies states in the hypothesis which should be split.
State A state of an Automaton.
Symbol Represents a symbol, which, e.g., can be used as input for the System Under Test (SUT) or which is output of the SUT.
SymbolComplex Marker-interface for Symbols which contain a List of Symbol objects as user object.
Word A Word is an ordered set of Symbol objects.

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